Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Photo of my PS3

Here, ps3 photography. Room is dark, but I hope that it's possible to get the general feel for image quality. Gameplay is absolute joy.



Update: I don't have it anymore. I traded it in to buy the ps4.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Rogue Legacy and ES Oblivion (PC)

Hello everyone!

Real quick update. I've got The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion and Rogue Legacy screens.

I have seen the second guardian in Rogue Legacy. If you don't want to spoil it for yourself then don't. I will not include a thumbnail to the picture, instead only a link.

Have fun!

Here's the forest entrance to second guardian.

Spoiler alert! The second guardian of Rogue Legacy.

All right, here's Khidr. He was available in the demo so I doubt this will harm anyone (the first guardian).

Here's my character in Oblivion, level 1. I have Alice wear nice by and about clothes. I was going to look around for a fashion supermodel guide online to find most fashionable stuff in Oblivion.

Alchemy equipment for sale.

Just some random gameplay screens

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Screen-shots of Resident Evil Revelations (PC)

Look at this hall in Resident Evil Revelations (PC)

And here's the satellite with mirrors to provide power to Terragrigia

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Some more Bioshock Infinite levels.

I didn't make more because the game is gorgeous and you should experience it for yourself. Putting too much would be like spoiling. Also it's a first-person shooter so it's hard to stop and take a snap. With adrenaline rushing more time is spent on looking out for enemies. I played on hard and it really was brutal. Didn't finish though because one boss battle proved above my skills.

I play on hard to make the situation fair. If the character is shot several times then it should be "rewarded" by death. Also I think it will encourage game-designers to consider stealth or smarter "take cover" programming.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Screen-shots from Bioshock Infinite (PC)


More screen-shots. This time from Bioshock Infinite.


A look at the level. Appreciation for graphics.

Character unaware. Looking at "speciment" through mirror glass.

First time Elizabeth introduced

Elizabeth does actions of interest.

The Songbird

As seen from this screen-shot, our main character Booker DeWitt does not cast a shadow.