Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Humble Mozilla bundle

Play games in modern browser such as Mozilla FireFox or Google Chrome.
Update: It seems the offer is no longer available. Read instead now historical event here.
Visit for more info.

Controls for game "Voxatron" are:
  • movement: WASD
  • shoot in direction: IJKL
  • jump: Space
  • open menu: Tab (Navigate menu with arrow keys, select with Enter)

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Youtube full-screen player borders not dissapearing in Chrome


I've noticed that in Google Chrome browser the Youtube player controls sometimes don't automatically disappear in full-screen mode. If viewing from a playlist, there's a new button in full-screen mode to open playlist. Pressing that twice, to open and close playlist, fixes the disappearing issue until interrupted by other applications.

Or alternately, press the gear button that changes video quality and close it. This doesn't happen in Mozilla FireFox for me on MS Windows 8.1.

Fall Anime of 2014

Check out upcoming anime

Amagi Brilliant Park looks promising. Link to this anime description at myanimelist.

Grisaia no Kajitsu is not everyone's cup of tea. Be warned that it contains ecchi elements. It has an Akuma no Riddle vibe.
Here's links to anime description at myanimelist for