Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Bloodborne POI (PS4)


An exclusive game on PS4. Link to official site (in Japanese). I will list POI (points of interest) in no particular order.

Black church attire (armor set) follow this link.
Rifle spear - find in Old Yharnam, see this video at 20 min mark
Same video, a jump at 32 min
Ludwig's holy blade - beat blood-starved beast in Old Yharnam to unlock workshop in cathedral ward, see video here
Weapon location guide.
Eileen the Crow quest line guide. Complete long quest to get crow hunter badge and be able to purchase new weapon from item shop.
To get to Cainhurst castle, defeat the witch in Hemwicks lane and get the summons letter from Iosefkas clinik. Read more here. I will include additional instructions later. Ok, quick tip - perform a jump as seen in this video at 7:50 minute mark to get to the clinik at the very start of the game. Be warned that it will advance the game and make it impossible to complete the early game quests.
Easily the most sure way to take down the guy on machine-gun in Old Yharnam is shown in this video.
Nice let's play of the game with explanations. Youtube playlist link. And another informative let's play here.
I've beaten vicar Amelia in Cathedral ward without co-op support. The magic technique is to be patient and dodge just at the right time and use R2 charge attack with rifle spear to overcome the gap the boss usually stays away from player. Other guides suggest dodging until player gets behind, but I've experienced that Amelia just turns around too quickly.
Blood-starved beast fight looking so easy in this video at 40 minute mark - just continue dodging to the left without lock-on.
Having trouble with father Gascoigne like I did? Get the hunter badge from sewer beside the giant boar and for 1000 blood echoes buy hunters axe. Then go see this video.
It wouldn't be complete without a link to speedrun (warning: contains strong language). Item duplication no longer works on the newest patch.
Guy finishes game in 10 days playing the weakest class in game. Link to source. Link to Youtube playlist. Boss play playlist link.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

GSL Code S season 1 is over!

Watch world level tournament of Starcraft 2 on Youtube
Of course I'm talking about 2015 Global StarCraft II League Season 1 Code S. It's one of two premier leagues in Korea. Here's official description on WCS homepage. See tournament structure on TeamLiquid wiki.

It seems not everything is available on Youtube. Watch the rest on Twitch.tv
Find the rest of videos in past broadcasts

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Eurovision 2015

Watch Eurovision song contest 2015 songs

Link to Youtube playlist
The contest will take place on the 19, 21 and 23rd of May in Austria, because Austria won Eurovision grand final in 2014. Learn more about the contest in their official page here.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Cities: Skylines (PC)


Screen-shot time! This time from a game "Cities: Skylines" from the developer Colossal order. Here's their web-site. Grab it from steam to play on PC.

Direct link to image What can be seen here is an unsuccessful intersection. Do not use six lane roads, because they create traffic lights. That means traffic will stand still even though the road may be clear. For more info on traffic check out petard on Youtube.

Direct link to image Here is a close-up of ore mining industry. Be aware that ore and oil get mined out really fast. I haven't checked how that impacts industry revenue with and without ore or oil underneath. Designate industries by drawing a district and using appropriate tool. Keep in mind that forest industry and farming don't create pollution and emit a bit less noise.

Direct link to image Here I took a reference picture of a triangle railroad connection. I'm a big fan of everything trains. Seen in picture is a cargo train. Passenger train stations bring in tourists.

Direct link to image Here I follow the bus. The "hole" in the ground is a metro station. Seriously, they are super-useful. They take up this little square space and run underground and even under water bodies. Only disadvantage is pedestrian traffic stopping regular traffic and the created noise.

Direct link to image Here I took a picture of a cool tall shopping tower. Nice, nice.

There you go. It's an easy simulation type of game. It's really fun to plan the traffic to get rid of as much jams as possible. If you'd like to try it yourself, keep in mind that everything needs electricity, most things need underground water pipe. Build roads and zone the areas surrounding roads. Industrial and commerce zones emit noise pollution which affects living quality. Industry and garbage department also create environment pollution.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Dying Light (PS4)


I had this game on pre-order from December of 2014. The release of physical disc got delayed till February 27, 2015. I didn't make too many screen-shots during first play-through. Hopefully I'll get more. Here are some. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

By flowed the river (lyrics)

Lyrics of song "Мимо текла, текла река" in Russian taken from this site.
Most videos on Youtube either skip the last verse or repeat the first instead, but I found this video where the entire lyrics are used.

Мимо текла, текла река, плыли куда-то облака,
Шёл человек, была дорога нелегка, да, нелегка.
И человек мечтал о том, чтобы построить себе дом
И поселится счастье с ним (в доме одном).

Часто бывало уставал, но неизменно напевал
Песню любимую свою, ту, что пою, да, ту, что пою.
Дом как известно всем давно, это не стены и окно
Это не стулья со столом, (это не дом).

Дом - это там, куда готов ты возвращаться вновь и вновь,
Яростным, добрым, нежным, злым, еле живым, еле живым.
Дом - это там, где тебя поймут, там, где надеются и ждут,
Там, где забыли о плохом - (это твой дом).

За облаками в вышине дом приготовлен мне и тебе,
Дом приготовленный Отцом, чтобы жить в нём, чтобы жить в нём.
Но чтобы в этом доме жить, нужно в сердцах своих хранить
Мир и тепло, любовь и свет, (вечный завет).

  • Just take a look through these lyrics. Here's my translation that isn't necessary word for word.

River flowed by, clouds drifted somewhere,
A man walked on not the easiest road.
And a man dreamt to build himself a house
And happiness would dwell within.

Frequently got tired, but immediately started singing
His favorite song, that which I sing, that which I sing.
Home, as all know through ages, isn't walls and a window
Not even chairs at the table, that's not home.

Home is where you're willing to return again and again,
Enraged, friendly, nice, angry, barely alive, barely alive.
Home is where you will be understood, where they hope and wait,
Where you'll forget the bad, that's your home, that's your home.

Above clouds a home is prepared for you and me,
Prepared by Father to live in it, to live in it.
But to live in heavenly home, it's required in earthly homes
To keep peace and warmth, love and light, the eternal covenant, the eternal covenant.

  • In that video the second line of last verse goes like "Home prepared by Christ, to live with Father, to live with Father."

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Basics of knitting


Here's a quick guide to knitting. I only use it to make warm socks and patches to replace heels, where the sock usually wears out and leaves a hole. I use crochet hook needles to sew the patch to the sock.

A yarn and knitting needles are required. Two for square forms, five double-pointed for cylinder knitting as in the case of a sock.

First step is to make base loops. Start by looping loose yarn around a thumb, put needles through, then pull the yarn from clew through. Pull thumb out of the loop and tighten loop on the needle by pulling on yarn. To correctly make remaining loops, think of violet yarn as the loose one and the of orange as the one attached to needle that is not from the clew. See the following images.

Direct link to image. Orange is on top. Click the link "read more" to navigate to full article.