Thursday, December 25, 2014

GTA 5 tips with map


I traded in PS3 and bought PS4. It came bundled with GTA 5, which still sells for a high price despite the original release on 17 September 2013. Well, might as well enjoy it with updated graphics. And I have to mention that they did a fantastic work. I'm really enjoying the updated car handling, no doubt trial and error improved from feedback. It's not there yet, because some cars burn-out before speed catches up with in-fed acceleration, and some cars handle turning really poorly still, and others glide over tarmac with no grip. That shouldn't be physically possible, because car has a lot of weight which can't overcome gravity and friction that easily.

Nevertheless, here are some cherry-picked tips from me. As always, I will update this post if I discover something exciting. All included techniques have been personally tested by me, but I do not claim to be the author. I've read several guides provided by others and I have looked at maps by other people, but I give my interpretation.

First thing I would like to mention is that I find earning money in GTA 5 to be an extremely limited activity. Now, this goes for the single player or the story mode of the game. GTA online can be considered a different game as far as gameplay is concerned. Other people suggest just doing the main missions to get cash, but that doesn't satisfy me. GTA San Andreas was the last game I gave a serious dedication to, and it included vigilante missions, paramedic and fire-fighter, which were always a quick cash-grab to buy more ammo and let the bullets fly. Alternately, it was possible to travel to the third city and pick-up mini-gun quite early in the game. Aside from the possibility to point a gun at a store clerk to get quick buck, I'm yet to find something to fill this section with.
Here we go, a nice quick video. Nice to see like-minded individuals.

Ok, I present the in-game map. It's just a screen-shot I took of the map screen. The modified map features some interesting finds that are free to be picked up or exploited by player. The two tunnel locations are a handy way to lose the annoying police chopper. Just do your best to not let the other cops follow you into the tunnels. To get to chopper location, use hospital stairs. Helicopters appear randomly, and on PS3 it seemed like they spawned even less-frequently. Other markers should be self-explanatory. I have screen-shots of armor 1, armor 2 and armor 7. Yes, it's not seen on map, but parking lot, armor 1 and armor 7 create a triangle. Find it by mini-map from screen-shot.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Far Cry 3 crafting guide


Following is a Far Cry 3 crafting guide. Screen-shots are taken on PS3 platform. This mini-guide is best used to quickly get back into Far Cry 3 to experience the story for memories without the hassle of figuring things out from scratch.

Loot rucksack 2nd upgrade requires x2 Tapir hide. First upgrade is part of a quest and cannot be missed. That's why I'm omitting it.
Link to image.
3rd upgrade requires x4 Dingo pelt
Link to image.
Final upgrade for all pouches requires completing hunter quests to get rare animal skins. Exception is rocket pouch and holster which don't have a level 4 upgrade. To craft loot rucksack, hunt a bear with shotgun.
Here's how it looks like. Map is unified and shows all outposts that have hunter quests.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Far Cry 4 crafting guide

This is a mini-guide on Far Cry 4 crafting. I have an incomplete collection of screen-shots taken on PS3 of Far Cry 4 crafting screen. This guide will give a quick overview of what animal skins to stock up on to complete crafting of ammo pouch that allows to carry more munitions into battle etc.
Note: It's possible to craft level 3 of every bag right from the start of the game. It's best done after completing campaign mission that requires to re-take an outpost, since that quest opens the whole South region of the map to the player. I frankensteined together a map of the north.

First up is the holster. Upgrading this will allow the player to carry three "big" weapons. Still haven't tested the first holster, but upgrading once unlocks side-arm slot. Before that only one weapon can be carried, and second holster upgrade enables to carry two large weapons. I believe that carrying a side-arm doesn't require crafting a holster. I no longer have Far Cry 4, since I traded in my PS3 to get PS4 so no updates will be coming in the near future. Some outpost reinforcements include a helicopter. I tested on every difficulty and it's really easy to fail. I strongly recommend carrying some hind of anti-vehicle weapons, like handy side-arm grenade launcher or RPG, since the helicopter has a gun turret with insane accuracy, exceptional detection and heavy damage.
1st upgrade requires x3 Tibetan wolf skin
Link to image.
2nd upgrade requires x3 Malayan tapir skin
Link to image.
To craft the third and final upgrade, x3 Honey Badger skins are required.
Link to image.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Far Cry 4

Some screen-shots. Taken on PS3.
Direct link for easier download

Direct link for easier download

Direct link for easier download

Direct link for easier download

Direct link for easier download

Direct link for easier download

Direct link for easier download

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Humble Mozilla bundle

Play games in modern browser such as Mozilla FireFox or Google Chrome.
Update: It seems the offer is no longer available. Read instead now historical event here.
Visit for more info.

Controls for game "Voxatron" are:
  • movement: WASD
  • shoot in direction: IJKL
  • jump: Space
  • open menu: Tab (Navigate menu with arrow keys, select with Enter)

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Youtube full-screen player borders not dissapearing in Chrome


I've noticed that in Google Chrome browser the Youtube player controls sometimes don't automatically disappear in full-screen mode. If viewing from a playlist, there's a new button in full-screen mode to open playlist. Pressing that twice, to open and close playlist, fixes the disappearing issue until interrupted by other applications.

Or alternately, press the gear button that changes video quality and close it. This doesn't happen in Mozilla FireFox for me on MS Windows 8.1.

Fall Anime of 2014

Check out upcoming anime

Amagi Brilliant Park looks promising. Link to this anime description at myanimelist.

Grisaia no Kajitsu is not everyone's cup of tea. Be warned that it contains ecchi elements. It has an Akuma no Riddle vibe.
Here's links to anime description at myanimelist for

Thursday, September 25, 2014

SC2 Replay of good zealot


Just got a download link for a Starcraft 2 replay file of "probes vs zealot" arcade game. It should show gameplay of a good zealot strategy. I'll update once I watch it.
Update: the replay could be broken. The guy who sent me this had trouble opening it because of an error.

In the meantime, read on zealot strategies in this forum post. It's for the 1.0 version with ninja mode and ludicrous miner.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Transfer stats from old PvZ 2 map


Here's a forum post on how to transfer stats from old PvZ 2 map to the North America's version in Starcraft 2

The image of files to edit as it looks like on my computer

Ok, long story short, find your account. You can see mine is "2-S2-1-3132717" from the image

Then transfer stats from
C:\Users\Andrejs\Documents\StarCraft II\Accounts\134410916\2-S2-1-3132717\Banks\2-S2-1-1116924\
C:\Users\Andrejs\Documents\StarCraft II\Accounts\134410916\2-S2-1-3132717\Banks\2-S2-1-4373517\

To do that, in "2-S2-1-4373517" (second path) find file "ProbesvZealot2.SC2Bank". This is the new map stats. Open it in banksigner (bank sign 1.1.6). Get banksigner here.

Then in first path "2-S2-1-1116924" find file "ProbesvZealot2.SC2Bank". Open with notepad, copy the contents to banksigner. Right click the bottom text area, choose "Select all", right click again and choose "Paste". Now press button "Update Signature", then "Save bank as" and overwrite the second file in "Banks\2-S2-1-4373517\"

Done! Enjoy stats in new arcade map.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Quest to solve dual boot

This is a temporary post. It helps me store data to access it from various devices that aren't connected, because I'm in the middle of setting them up.

boot script link

forum post on how to install bootscript

OP Ubuntu forums

 Source to installing OS

Using boot repair

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Charms bar interrupting gameplay


The definite charms bar disabling tutorial, read here

There's this feature in Windows 8 called "hot corners". When mouse cursor reaches top right corner, the charms bar opens. Trouble is, this happens during full-screen applications like PC game Starcraft 2. Scrolling the view by edges became a nightmare, so the charms bar had to go.

Basically, right click start menu, choose properties, open navigations tab and uncheck "top right corner something" checkbox. Done.

Starcraft 2 (PC) arcade


Image from a PC game Starcraft 2, Heart of the Swarm expansion, taken on the arcade mode map "Zealot vs Probes 2" on North America's server, showing ludicrous miner information.

Can only have one per player.
And let's see the man in action:

Best file manipulation choice

On Microsoft Windows (XP or better) I haven't stumbled across a program that comes even close to the best file managing experiences, ever.

I present to you Total Commander. Here's the link to the website where you can get Total Commander.
Illustration: (Note: blogger uses it's own image viewer. Direct link to full size image under image)

The program is a total bliss. Next I'll list some use cases that help bring out the best of Total Commander when working with files.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Replacement bicycle

The old bike got stolen sometime after July 24, 2014. RIP

This is the replacement bicycle I bought.

Youtube channel


I've uploaded a bit of videos to Youtube. If you want to check me out, here's the link to my Youtube channel.

I don't plan on turning it into anything major at the time. It's just nice to capture some gaming moments on tape beside the screen-shots.

Complete guide to solve Rubik's cube

Hi! Today's topic is solving Rubik's cube.

After spending a lot of time reading various guides, I've come up with instruction compilation that fit on a small 13 by 9 cm cheat sheet like this.

Photo from Samsung Galaxy Y. Sorry for photo quality.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Plan to watch

This is a list of links that I've considered to gather. Right now I'll add a youtube video which I don't have the time to watch, but wouldn't like to lose, so

Monday, June 23, 2014


Yes! Help to make it available for everyone.
It's run by a non-profit organization. Consider donating if you can afford it.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Hey hey!

Look at Sony terms and conditions clause 19 that lists their liability.


As far as I can tell PlayStation Network can behave in any imaginable way, may not work or prevent other actions like purchases, and the company is left free of any warranty. Nice!

That is, if I understood correctly. Here's a snippet:

As far as permitted by law, we are not responsible or liable for nor do we give warranty or representation in relation to:
(i) The quality, functionality, availability, completeness, accuracy or performance of the SEN or its services and/or products;

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

SoulCalibur Lost Swords

It's a free to play fighting game on PS3. Here's the official game site.
Apparently there can be people that don't know what a PS4 is and things. Recently I asked on about a certain mouse whether it works with PS4 and the replies mentioned "don't know what a ps4 is, but it works with my laptop". In light of that here's a link to play station web-site.

On another note check out my videos on Youtube. Link to playlist. I've discontinued the game because 1) I got fed up 2) no longer have PS3. The playlist is in reverse order. Too bad Youtube doesn't feature playing playlist backwards. Until I re-organize, please bear with the ordering.

Items received after completing olive grove on normal chapter 1 (items are random every time):
  • Old Sword & Bloody Cutlass (fire, water)
  • Dancer's Bracelets (wind)
  • Leather Jacekt (water)
  • Wavering Garnet 1 (red soul stone)
  • F Himmel (Replica) & G Nova (fire, water)

Experience as follows (from chapter 2): Player EXP 1090, Gold 1550, Character EXP 6370. It's a good place to grind, with only 4 stages and 10 AP (action points)

Yes! This link has some useful information about how crafting works in SC Lost Swords, especially post #7 by mogrock.

Gold reward farming.

More coming later