Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Easier use of web browsers


I mainly use two browsers on desktop PC: Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.

I'd like to mention how one operation with links is done in both browsers. I use link names so much that I had to go out of my way to learn how this works in Chrome.

1) open link in a new tab
I use two approaches to do this. I like to right-click a link and hit hotkeys or hold Control and left click links.
Control doesn't work in Chrome for me. I found this article and learned that Chrome uses middle mouse button.

In both browsers the hotkey is T after right clicking a link to open in a new tab. It doesn't lose focus of opened window and queues sites to view later.

2) copy link address
In Firefox the hotkey is A, in Chrome it's E after right clicking a link to copy the href attribute of the link.
I use this a lot to save links in notepad or to make them appear in this blog.

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