Sunday, January 18, 2015

Game playthroughs


I'd like to point to a Nightmare Creatures playthrough video playlist. The original user's, DigitalChaos, playlist has non-sequential order, so I created a new playlist. Unfortunately it's not the whole game, since in part 11 OP explains that he will re-record and include everything.

Anyway, the story is about awesome games. I know that NC is a dated game, but it left a strong impression on me and I find the enjoyment hasn't faded with the years. It's a violent, beat-em'up third person game on the PS1 and two other platforms. What I personally find interesting about this particular game is the realistic feel of it. If you check out games like Lollipop Chainsaw, then it quickly becomes apparent that the use of colorful graphics doesn't fit with the zombie hacking setting. And games like No more heroes fail because of over-exaggeration.

I recently purchased Blizzards Diablo 3 with Reaper of Souls expansion for the PS4. In it the player controls a single hero from an over-head camera, similar like in Nightmare Creatures, and there are a horde of very varied monsters to slay, but I soon realized how shallow D3 is as a game. Slaying monsters award experience points, and accumulation of points unlocks predetermined skills. So basically every player get's the exact same game experience, because there is no choice at level up. The only difference is item drops. Now consider a different Blizzard game. In Starcraft 2 Wings of Liberty campaign player is given a choice of which level to play next. Each level unlocks a new unit type. This means that there is a strategy in the order of levels the player undertakes.

Hopefully I still have your attention. So, how does Starcraft 2 and D3 relate to Nightmare Creatures? Well, in Nightmare Creatures the two playable characters each have their combo-moves. They are accessible from the game menu. Despite the linear level design, the enjoyment comes from combining fighting moves. Also, like Starcraft 2, every unit has reasonable hit points. That allows for a completely different level approach than other games with invincible units. The Last of Us and Call of Duty comes to mind, where no matter the situation the game ensures the survival of certain NPC's.

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