Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Glitches and annoyances in Battlefield 4 on PS4


I list some parts of a video game Battlefield 4 that ruin the experience as it is on PS4.
  • (Fixed)* battlelog not opening, that is, getting stuck while loading. Only solution is to close Battlefield 4 from the menu and launch game again and hope it doesn't occur
  • on map paracel storm domination from MAV view some flashing textures can be observed
  • on map operation locker there is an impassable step by C objective
  • some players not spottable after player re-spawn
  • player name (own name) not visible in MAV view
  • explosion-proof curved glass (C4 charge)
  • (Fixed)* camouflage selection not retained between game sessions
I'll add detailed explanation of the points later.
* Apparently the winter patch fixed some of the issues I encountered. Nice! Haven't had time to check myself.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Music over Skype


Screen-sharing is so useful over Skype (Skype home page for those unfamiliar), but I think it's a short-term feature. It's only really necessary if the other person doesn't know how to use a computer or in the case of laziness. But here's something you may have not known: transferring sound over Skype.

What a shock! I know. Skype is all about being able to talk to people from all over the world with the limit of Internet coverage until one tries to play music. People will put their microphone to the TV, try to adjust volume to increase microphone sensitivity, but there's a better way. Here's a link to an article detailing some options.

In short, enable "listen to device" in recording settings on the microphone properties. I haven't tested this myself because I don't make frequent Skype calls.

If that fails, try using VoiceMeeter application and it's use.

There's also the dark side of Microsoft allegedly listening in on the calls. And more reading.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Battlefield 4 assignments


I unknowingly unlocked "eye spy" achievement in Battlefield 4 on PS4 and it unlocked target detector accessory for carbine rifles and DMR (designated marksman rifles). I searched online to find information on that, because it wasn't apparent where I could use that. Well, it seems like it auto-spots enemies just by aiming the gun. Link to wiki.

Then, I searched how to unlock bow in Battlefield and stumbled upon phantom assignments. Here's the link to that article.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Sigils of Elohim guide

It's a mini-game released in anticipation of the Talos Principle. Fans of tetris will appreciate it for it's own merits. Grab it from steam here for free and play on PC (steam client required).

Here are some solutions to the puzzles for that occasional moment when irritation hits at getting stuck on a level. To make it organized, let's understand the layout of the level access. There are three areas, A B C, with four color levels that each have 8 puzzles. See screenshots of area A, area B and area C.
I used two other people's videos to solve some puzzles in A green, gold and red levels. Here's link to one and the other.

I'll add more solutions as necessary. I should add area A blue and green, but I'll call this guide finished. Turn your attention instead to games like Cities Skylines developed by Colossal order, their site here. For now the one's I've got are:
Area A
gold two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight
red one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight

Area B
blue four, five, six, seven
green one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight
gold one, two, three, four, five, six exactly like one, seven, eight
red one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight

Area C
blue four, five, six, seven, eight
green one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight
gold one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight
red one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight

I think that a guide is best experienced through precise screen-shots instead of video.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Talos Principle speedrun

Mind-boggling skill. Don't get motion sickness while watching this speedrun of the Talos principle. It's available on PC, but will be coming to PS4 sometime soon.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Be informed about the weekdays

Do you know what is Saturday?

Know the truth! Weekday definitions are under attack. Oxford online English dictionary has changed the definition from the older edition "Saturday is the last day of the week" to "a day following Friday". Check it out here.

I have captured a screen-shot of Wikipedia post about Saturday, in case it changes after I've posted this entry. Link to post. Link to image.

In my language, Latvian, the weekdays are named after numbers with Sunday meaning holy day. In Russian language Saturday sounds very much like Jewish seventh day of the week namely Sabbath, with Sunday meaning resurrection day.

Now, why is it important and why am I mentioning this? Well, this change to week is an attack on the Bible. Read here Exodus chapter 20 verse 11, that says "in six days God created earth". Soon a law will be passed to observe Sunday instead of the Sabbath as holy day. This will allow the government to falsely persecute the part of society who wish to follow what's written in the Bible.