Sunday, February 1, 2015

Be informed about the weekdays

Do you know what is Saturday?

Know the truth! Weekday definitions are under attack. Oxford online English dictionary has changed the definition from the older edition "Saturday is the last day of the week" to "a day following Friday". Check it out here.

I have captured a screen-shot of Wikipedia post about Saturday, in case it changes after I've posted this entry. Link to post. Link to image.

In my language, Latvian, the weekdays are named after numbers with Sunday meaning holy day. In Russian language Saturday sounds very much like Jewish seventh day of the week namely Sabbath, with Sunday meaning resurrection day.

Now, why is it important and why am I mentioning this? Well, this change to week is an attack on the Bible. Read here Exodus chapter 20 verse 11, that says "in six days God created earth". Soon a law will be passed to observe Sunday instead of the Sabbath as holy day. This will allow the government to falsely persecute the part of society who wish to follow what's written in the Bible.

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