Friday, July 3, 2015

Mineralz Evolution builder mode tutorial


This is a beginner friendly tutorial of an arcade map in Starcraft 2 video game called "MineralZ Evolution". Arcade mode is free to play. Link to article. Starcraft 2 is available on PC and Mac.
Don't confuse with other similar maps like "mineralz survival", "-mineralz evolution-" with six minerals and others.

The outcome of the game is decided largely on the actions at the very start. The goal is to get to +6 mining on your probe by the middle of night 1. When day 2 comes around, all players should use the command [C1] "-builder 1". It's the same as writing any other chat message. Hit enter, type "-builder 1" and hit enter to confirm.

In short, there are 3 major setup steps
  • pick colour [A1]
  • pick probe skill [A2]
  • pick probe skin [A3]

and three in-game actions
  • share economy [B1]
  • give unit control [B2]
  • upgrading probe mining to +6 before day 2 [B3]

Full article link below

Let's have a detailed look at the actions.
From my experience most people don't have trouble doing most of the actions. However, when it comes to [B2], namely unit control, is where most confusion takes place.

[B2] give unit control
It will give direct control of your units and buildings to another player. Use the small alliances button in the top right corner. Examine the two images I included. In one I hover the cursor over the button, the other shows unit control check-boxes. Check the checkboxes and press OK button. Organically this brings the guide to the core question.

What is builder mode?
It's a resource sharing game mode to maximize mineralz economy. Normally you would gather the four mineral varieties on your own but if every player specializes in one colour [A1] and upgrades mining [B3] and shares resources [B1], then the game moves much more quickly. Sharing probe [B2] is important to allow builder to create base layout and upgrade mining. It's a lot faster than communication by message. As far as I know, builder mode is the only way to win elite mode.

Detailed explanation of Mineralz Evolution in the context of builder mode.
The point of mineralz should be about discovering ever better optimization. That includes base layout, build order, which upgrade to choose etc.

[A1] pick colour
Mineralz is a five player map. With four resources, two players need to pick the same specialization. My team won elite mode with two players on red mineral. This was done before the patch 5.106. With the new changes the limit for refineries is four per player. Most older builds focus on two purple probes. Colour specialization is the first option in game setup screen. It's available straight from the start. At probe level 99 it's possible to specialize in two colours.

[B1] share economy
This one is easy. Take a look at the table in the images in top right. It lists how many cores and resources each player has. Command "-see" displays similar results. What's also important is the order of players. The way to share economy is by using command "-builder 1" or "-share". These only work at day 2 and onward. At this time commands like "-builder 5" don't work. The number used in command represents the order of players in the table. Builder command will automatically send all your resources to the first player in the table. Share command if used like "-share 4" will make your resources available to fourth player listed in the table, but you'll keep your bank. In comparison, if "-builder 1" command is used, then you will not be able to spend any resources, because they are automatically sent away. Builder command is useful to keep track of resources of all players.

[A2] and [A3] probe skill and skin
Skill is unlocked by probe level. Skin functions similar to picking colour specialization and is unlocked by nights survived. Seeker missile skill has optimum cool-down and damage.

[B3] probe mining
This depends on the dynamics of the team. Most builder players will suggest the 1/4 route. That means to mine 64 blue and 32 of purple, green and red minerals. Build base (shortcut B B), mine 8 of each mineral and purchase general mining upgrade (shortcut A from base). That purchase of 8 is the 1 in 1/4. Then purchase one of four mining upgrades depending on colour picked in step [A1]. The cost in sequence is 32, 64, 128 and 256. It's possible to upgrade probe mining on one colour to +6 before day 2 starts. At day 2 players give up individual action ([B2] and [B1]) in favour of building up base. The efficiency depends on the team.

I would advise going the 2/3 route. Build base, spend 8 and then 16 on general upgrades and spend 32, 64 and 128 in colour specialization like the 3 in 2/3 suggests. With this approach I can grab the turbine upgrade and end up at day 2 with almost 300 resource in the bank (using normal archon)

[C1] command input
It's the same as writing any other chat message. Hit enter, type command and hit enter to confirm. The resource table in bottom right as seen in the images can be enabled with command "-ui" which means user interface. Just be careful because it shows the resources of the selected player.

End of guide. Discover other things by playing the game or watching my tutorial on Youtube. Link to tutorial.

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