Saturday, October 17, 2015

My Dota 2 game replay


I would like to report on my experience in Dota 2. For people in the know here's the match id "1873649016". Match id is used in the "watch" tab. Type number into search bar in watch tab from main menu.

Let's get into details. Dota 2 is a free to play PC game. Grab it on Steam and start playing yourself. I even made a 13 min video introducing new people to basic gameplay. It's for those who are really confused. For the first time in my gaming experience I encountered a game that wasn't immediately straight forward to figure out. It has an in-game tutorial, but I found it lacking and too long.

After playing some matches I experienced two particular matches that threw me into rage. Here's a screen-shot of enemy hero.

And the post-game report screen with the match id.